assalamualaikumm :D
    know what , he'd flown to the East Malaysia . and and , i'm being left in peninsular . being separated with five hours journeyy :'( and we've lost contact . just Allah , He's the only one who knew what i felt . he went there for a week while i've had to go to my classes .
    oh yeah , what a fun school holidayy . but alhamdulillah i'll having classes on the first week only . and next , i can relax my busy mind ! ecehhh . gedik aja kau . haha .
    i gonna miss you capital H . don't forget me , and do take care of yourself (ececehhh ! jangan meluat tau >_<) and in this week , i gonna 'berambusss and angkat kaki' from here . muehehe . goodbyee peepss xD

*pssstt : hari tu aku belajar apa benda tah . idioms ke quotes . english punya lah kan . bunyinya camni ' Absence Makes the Heart Grows Fonder ' kalau rindu sape-sape bagilah ayat ni yee . just suggesting #hihi ^^'

to capital H : wishing you have a happy holidayy and i lap you . hihi *gedikk* haha ! #kidding :p 
 -مع السلامة والي اللقاء-